Picture of Event: DNA - A new show for the whole family, immersive, exciting and full of rhythm!

DNA - A new show for the whole family, immersive, exciting and full of rhythm!

Dellal Hall
Saturday, July 20 2024 at 12:00
Event duration: 1 hour and 10 minutes
Price 89 - 149 ILS

About the show

Did you know that there is no similar fingerprint in the world?

And is there not a single zebra in the world with the same stripes?


We are all unique, we all have talents, abilities, joy of life, and laughter - the new show of Mayumana will awaken in you the desire to be brave and find your special talent.

An energetic, invested, and crazy experience in which everyone will discover their unique DNA, their special voice through the rhythm of the music and movement. 


Mayumana, the unique and leading company in Israel, in a new show for children- DNA. Eylon Nofar, artistic director, choreographer, and journalist, one of the founders and creators of the Mayumana band, was called to the flag, which together with the special language of Mayumana and a talented and versatile cast, created a spectacular, musical and immersive show.


Direction, original music, and artistic direction: Eylon Nuphar

Creative actors: Or Tergan, Erez Zemach, Guy Ron, Daniel Azoulai, Tal Levy, Yuval Midan, Amit Magenzi, Amit Shekel, Roni Argaman, Rotem Hirsch, Reot Rotem, Sharon Ben Naim

Set design: Zohar Shoef and Eylon Nuphar

Lighting design: Nitai Doron

Costume design: JOR-D, CHEN BAR KALIFA

Accessories design: Talia Ottolenghi

Puppet design: Ofir Zweibel - mimic play and therapy dolls

Musical production: Ado Kagan

Vocal arrangement of the song "Everybody": Amit Shekel

Technical and production manager: Benji Sultan

Executive producer: Nahar-Alia Mendelson

Assistant director and co-creator: Vicky Barel

Rehearsal directors: Erez Zemach and Reut Rotem

Production consulting: Iris Ronly Riklis

Still photography: Ran Biran

Decoration: chameleon



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